What Is The Best Bitch? [Solved]

It refers to the facial expression of someone whose natural appearance seems, well, unapproachable.

Being a bitch in the best way possible is a fine line between being nasty and being awesome. So, before you learn all the ways to be a bitch, unlearn some of these. 1. Don’t be unnecessairly difficult. Yes, being a bitch means demanding respect. You will fight for what you deserve. But you also know when to be difficult and when not to. You can spot the difference between a worthwhile argument to get what you deserve versus being difficult for the sake of being difficult.

A basic bitch thinks looks are everything. A bad bitch understands that looks matter, but they’re not everything.

What is the abbreviation for Best Bitch? What does BB stand for? BB abbreviation stands for Best Bitch.

Bad Bitch (n.): a self-respecting, strong female who has everything together. This consists of body, mind, finances, and attitude; a woman who gets her way by any means necessary. So I’m not totally thrilled about referring to a strong, beautiful, self-reliant female as a bitch of any sort. But these days, something about it changes when you throw the word “bad” before it.

The word bitch is usually considered a bad thing for a woman. If women act a certain way, they are considered bitches. The best thing to do is to turn it into a good thing. It’s time for women to feel empowered and embrace it instead of feeling offended by it. If people are referring to you as a bitch because you are keeping your focus on yourself, consider that a good thing.

A bitch is awake in you. The art of bitchiness can be learned from you. If a situation is not to your liking, you speak bluntly, never keep silent nor try to get along. You directly and straightforwardly state what you don't like. This can scare some people, but generally, this character trait is a plus.

What is the best age to breed a dog? If you’re breeding a dog or bitch for the first time timing is everything. Mutual attraction helps! Best Age to Breed a Bitch. Some breeders will tell you that you should not breed your bitch before she is 2 years of age, but I disagree. While it is important that your young would-be breeder has attained close to her final adult size before she is mated for the first time, waiting longer than this invites disaster.

The correct terms for Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) is Pup/Dog/Bitch. This is also the correct terms for any Canine in general, though specific species might have different ones (Wolf has cub and she-wolf, Fox has vixen and reynard as alternative terms). If you are simply using puppy/dog/bitch as a single example, avoid it and use a more pc term.

M.I.A has to be the bad bitch! It is perfect if you are looking for that feeling of not giving a fuck and still being victorious. It sounds like a group of rich girls singing their hearts out in a convertible. Every girl listening to this song will feel like a bad girl.