Where Can I Find Tutorials For Building Games For Roblox? [Solved]

Answer: Well, if i was you, i would start with youtube.

The Roblox DevHub is a great place to find answers to most of your questions. Roblox Developer Hub.

Step 1 - Making a Game Fun. To make your game fun, you need to have activities the player can do when their bored, the game also needs to have functionality so it can run.

It has everything one needs to begin creating games in Roblox Studio: in-depth tutorials, helpful resources, 24/7 online assistance, curated API preferences, and more. Need more hands-on guidance and/or an extensive explanation for creating Roblox games? You can always sign up for CodaKid’s Roblox Coding Courses. Our lessons on Lua programming and game design using the Roblox Studio are ideal for children aged 8 and up.

For those who wish to try their hands at making a game in Roblox, consider taking free tutorials online in HTML and follow-along beginner Roblox Studio guides on YouTube.

In this tutorial, you’ll build a replica of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece using parts in Roblox Studio. Because the Parthenon has been damaged over time, you’ll recreate the original landmark so you can experience this wonder in Roblox. Set up the Project Create a new Project. In Roblox Studio, click the New button in the upper-left.

Check out these lessons on the Developer Hub, an entire site where you can find tutorials on creating Roblox games. Coding Lessons Learn more about coding in these step-by-step lessons.

Answer (1 of 5): There is a dev forum which is made and associated with roblox. There you can speak to scripters, programmers, the actual ROBLOX staff, Builders, clothes designers, modellers and much more. Best way is to hire someone from there.